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Beattie Passive

Modular Build, Continuously Insulated Structure and Envelope
Project Description

Beattie Passive and Bow Tie Construction have partnered to deliver more Passive House standard homes.

Bow Tie Construction now offer turnkey build using the Beattie Passive system. Our first collaboration was on a new build Passive House near Clapham Junction. Bow Tie Construction supplied experienced builders to get the structure erected quickly and safely.

β€œThis house is cosy and comfortable but in a natural way. Our old house was of similar scale, area and build and if you wanted to heat a room you had to blast it and the air would then be very dry and that heat would quickly leak out.”

– Toni M

β€œIt quickly became clear that Bow Tie want to do a good job, they want their work to be to a high standard, no problem is too small to discuss and identify solutions, they really want to get it right.”

– Francis M

β€œWe had a lot of people stay over Christmas, some quite elderly, who were concerned about being in a big old house in Winter and being cold and we received a lot of complements on the comfort and easy warmth. There is no higher accolade than complements on your house from your mother-in-law!”

– Toni M

“Rafael is particularly knowledgeable about green issues and we now have a kitchen/breakfast room which is easy and cheap to heat in the winter and cool in the summer.”

– Donald & Tania S

“We’re really lucky to have Bow Tie Construction working on our project. Thanks for all your fantastic work so far.”

– Nick H

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