Futurebuild 2020

Futurebuild is always big on our calendars as the UK’s most relevant conference and tradeshow for eco-building and sustainable construction in the UK. It takes place at the Excel centre in London’s Docklands, an easy-to-reach venue who’s reputation is smeared only by its regular hosting of DSEI, the wolds biggest arms fair. This year we are pleased to be presenting two of our projects at Futurebuild and we have a permanent presence on the Energiesprong UK stand.
On Wednesday 4th of March at 12.30 in the Buildings Hub company director Rafael Delimata will be presenting Max Fordham House our 2 x RIBA award-winning new-build Passivhaus in Camden Town. This house was shortlisted for 2019 RIBA house of the year and featured on Grand Designs.

Also on the 4th of March at 16:30 in the Whole House Retrofit Zone . In December of 2019 we won an Energiesprong UKdesign competition for £30,000 of funding to research and develop a scalable whole-building retrofit solution. Our Passivhaus designer and business development manager Hagop Heath-Matossian will be presenting our findings to date. Bow Tie are leading this project In collaboration with GSA Architects, Mauer UK and NILAN. This is followed by a drinks reception.
This project is on display for the duration of the show at the Energiesprong UK stand. One of us will always be there so please come say hi if you’d like to see our work or discuss a project.
EnergieSprong UK competition winners press release

There are plenty of Energiesprong talks this year to sate your appetite. The schedule is below:
03-Mar-2020 16:30 – 17:15
Scaling Up Retrofit: Lessons from Energiesprong Projects
Following extensive piloting, Energiesprong is now starting to deliver retrofit at scale. What are the key lessons that clients and contractors have learned along the way and what does this mean for others? Lessons from Deep Retrofit Projects including the Nottingham REMOURBAN project and the Devon Zero Energy Buildings Catalyst (ZEBCat) project with Energiesprong UK and partners.
04-Mar-2020 13:30 – 14:00
Measuring, Monitoring and Billing: Creating Value to Fund Retrofit
Hear from the MUSTBE=0 competition winners Carnego and Ventive on how they are developing in-home systems to create and capture value to help drive Energiesprong retrofits forward.
04-Mar-2020 16:30 – 17:15 (followed by drinks reception at our stand)Energiesprong Design Competition: Increasing Supply Chain Solutions
In November, Energiesprong UK launched a major new design competition focused on the challenges posed by some of the leading social landlords. Winners were chosen from a fantastic response from the supply chain. Find out how innovative approaches and technologies came together and what is coming next. New Energiesprong Solutions in Build Up and Net Zero Retrofits for Apartments – Hear from four consortiums including Bow Tie Construction developing new concepts for scaling up deep retrofit on apartments.
Keynote: The Retrofit Roadmap: how can government policy enable retrofit to thrive?04-Mar-2020, 10:45 – 12:00, Buildings TheatreWhat do the next five years have in store? Everybody agrees we should be doing more domestic retrofit, but in reality we are not. All of the main parties at the election promised action, but does BREXIT mean more retrofit paralysis? Do the policy ideas that can drive retrofit at scale already exist? Or are we still waiting for the eureka moment? Will a Conservative government with a thumping majority prioritise energy efficiency?
Chair Rick Hartwig, Built Environment Lead, The Institution of Engineering and Technology
- James Hardy, Senior Manager, Energy for Londoners – Greater London Authority
- Chris Jofeh, Welsh Government Advisory – Group on decarbonisation of Welsh Housing Stock
- Ron van Erck, Co-founder and Head of International Market Development – Energiesprong
Keynote: Meeting retrofit demand through supply side capability and capacity
05-Mar-2020, 10:45 – 12:00, Buildings Theatre
Domestic properties in the UK account for almost one-third of total energy demand and one-fifth of carbon emissions. To meet government’s climate change targets, around 26 million existing homes require radical energy efficiency improvements. How can we prepare and skill up the supply chain to meet this anticipated demand? What will be the necessary local and regional strategies? Are there opportunities to scale up ‘whole house retrofit’, and how can we deliver capability, quality and guarantee performance?
Chair David Pierpoint, Chief Executive, The Retrofit Academy CIC
- The role of TrustMark in creating consumer demand: demonstrating confidence, choice, quality and protection – Simon Ayers, Chief Executive Officer, TrustMark
- Energiesprong: lessons from deep retrofit at scale – Ian Hutchcroft, Market Development – Energiesprong UK
- BEIS Whole House Retrofit Competition – Sam Balch, Deputy Director – Home Retrofit, Energy using Products – BEIS
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